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Miranda N. Reed, PhD

Associate Professor

Drug Discovery and Development

Harrison School of Pharmacy

Auburn University

4306 Walker Building

Auburn, AL 36849

2002.  B.A. in Psychology, Auburn University, Summa Cum Laude.

2005.  Masters in Experimental Psychology, Auburn University. Mentor: M. Christopher Newland

2007. Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Auburn University. Mentor: M. Christopher Newland. Major Emphasis: Behavioral Toxicology, Pharmacology.  Minor Emphasis: Biochemistry, Statistics. Graduate minor degree in statistics conferred by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

2007-2010. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuroscience and Neurology, University of Minnesota. Mentors: Karen Hsiao Ashe & James Cleary. Major Emphasis: Alzheimer’s Disease.  Departments: Neuroscience, Neurology                                                     

Employment History

2010-2015.  Assistant Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience - Department of Psychology;  Member, Center for Neuroscience;  Member, Center for Basic and Translational Stroke Research,  West Virginia University.

2015-present. Associate Professor, Drug Discovery and Development Department, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University.




Intermittent Infection/Inflammation and Cognitive Aging. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Agency: NIH/NIGMS U54GM104942 - Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Dates: 11/01/2014 – 05/30/2016.     


Amyloid-Beta and Tau Interactions: The Importance of Timing. Principal Investigator:  Miranda N. Reed. Agency:  NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows was awarded but declined in favor of Assistant Professor position at WVU.

Comparison of Amyloid Beta Species.  Principal Investigator:  Miranda N. Reed. Agency:  NIH T32 DA022616-02. Dates:  09/01/2007-09/01/2009.

The Role of Dendritic Spine in Alzheimer’s Disease.  Principal Investigator:  Miranda N. Reed. Agency: Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Mini-Grant Program.  Dates:  05/01/2011-08/31/2011.

Regulation of Extracellular Glutamate is Altered in Alzheimer’s Disease. Role: Principal Investigator.  Agency:  West Virginia University Senate Grants for Research and Scholarship. Dates: 07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014.

Role of Extrasynaptic NR2Bs in Tau Pathology & Memory Deficits. Role: Principal Investigator.  Agency: PSCoR. Dates: 07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014.

Effects of Risk Factors on Tau-Mediated Memory Deficits.  Role: Principal Investigator.  Agency:  NIRG-12-242187 - Alzheimer’s Association New Investigator Award. Dates: 11/01/2012 – 04/30/2015.     

Increased Clearance of Extracellular Glutamate as a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease.  Role: Principal Investigator.  Agency:  NIH/NIGMS U54GM104942 - Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Dates: 06/01/2013 – 11/30/2014.

Research Training Program in the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences.  Director: Albert Berrebi, PhD. Role: Steering Committee, BBS Scholarship, & Preceptor. Agency: NIH T32GM081741. Dates: 06/01/2014 - 05/30/2019.

Peer-reviewed publications

(*indicates graduate students & ** indicates undergraduate students)

Day, J.D., Reed, M.N., & Newland, M.C. (2005).  Neuromotor deficits and mercury concentrations in rats exposed to methyl mercury and fish oil.  Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 27, 629-641. [PDF here]

Newland, M.C., Reed, M.N., LeBlanc, A., & Donlin, W.D. (2006). Brain and blood mercury andselenium after chronic and developmental exposure to methylmercury. Neurotoxicology, 27, 710-720. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N., Paletz, E.M., & Newland, M.C. (2006). Gestational exposure to methylmercury and selenium: Effects of a spatial discrimination procedure in adulthood. Neurotoxicology, 27, 721-732. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N. & Newland, M.C. (2007). Prenatal methylmercury exposure increases responding under clocked and unclocked fixed interval schedules of reinforcement. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 29, 492-502. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N., Banna, K.M., Donlin, W.D., & Newland, M.C. (2008). Effects of gestational exposure to methylmercury and dietary selenium on reinforcement efficacy in adulthood. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 30, 29-37. [PDF here]

Newland, M.C., Paletz, E.M, & Reed, M.N. (2008). Methylmercury and nutrition: Adult effects of fetal exposure in experimental models. Neurotoxicology, 29, 783-801. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N. & Newland, M.C. (2009). Gestational methylmercury exposure selectively increases the sensitivity of operant behavior to cocaine. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 408-417. [PDF here]

Newland, M.C., Paletz, E.M, & Reed, M.N. (2009). Lactational exposure to mercury in experimental models. Neurotoxicology, 30, 161-163. [PDF here]

Heath, J.C., Reed, M.N., Banna, K.M., Pesek, E.F., Cole, N., Li, J., & Newland, M.C. (2010). Dietary selenium protects against selected signs of methylmercury exposure and aging. Neurotoxicology, 31, 169-179. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N., Kotilinek, L.A., & Ashe, K.H. (2010). Effect size of Morris water maze deficits inTg2576 mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 212, 115-120. [PDF here]

Hoover, B.R.1, Reed, M.N.1, Su, J., Kotilinek, K., Penrod, R.D., Pitstick, R., Carlson, G.A., Lanier, L.M., Yuan, L., Ashe, K.H., & Liao, D. (2010). Tau mislocalization to dendritic spines mediates synaptic dysfunction independently of neurodegeneration. Neuron, 68, 1-15. 1Authors contributed equally. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N., Hofmeister, J.J., Jungbauer, L., Welzel, A.T., Yu, C., Lesne, S., LaDu, M.J., Walsh, D.M., Ashe, K.H., & Cleary, J.P. (2011). Cognitive effects of cell-derived and synthetically-derived Aβ oligomers. Neurobiology of Aging, 32, 1784-94. [PDF here]

Klyubin, I., Wang, Q., Reed, M.N., Irving, E.A., Upton, N., Hofmeister, J., Cleary, J.P., Anwyl, R., & Rowan, M.J. (2011). Protection against Abeta-mediated rapid disruption of synaptic plasticity and memory by Memantine. Neurobiology of Aging, 32, 614-23. [PDF here]

*Petrone, A.B., Gatson, J.W., Simpkins, J.W., & Reed, M.N. (2014). Non-feminizing estrogens: a novel neuroprotective therapy. Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology, 389, 40-47. [PDF here]

Reed, M.N., *Doll, D.,  Simpkins, J.W., & Barr, T. (2014). Aging & stroke: The human condition. Proceedings Nestle Purina Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: Nutrition for Life.  March 27-29, 2014, Austin, Texas. [PDF here]

**Povroznik, J.M., *Rudy, C.C., *Hunsberger, H.C., *Tosto, D.E., & Reed, M.N. (2014). Effects of an α5GABAA inverse agonist on MK-801-induced learning deficits in an incremental repeated acquisition task. Behavioural Pharmacology, 25, 331-335. [PDF here]

*Hunsberger, H.C., *Rudy, C.C., *Weitzner, D.S., Zhang, C., *Tosto, D.E., **Knowlan, K., Xu, Y., & Reed, M.N. (2014). Effect size of memory deficits in mice with adult-onset P301L tau expression. Behavioural Brain Research, 6(272C), 181-195. [PDF here]

*Petrone, A.B., *Rudy, C.C., Barr, T.L., Simpkins, J.W., & Reed, M.N. (2015). Neuroprotective effects of estrogen following neural injury. In: Estrogen effects on TBI: Mechanisms of neuroprotection and repair. Ed: K.A. Duncan. Elsevier Inc. Pgs. 91-111. [PDF here]

Newland, M.C., Reed, M.N., & Rasmussen, E. (2015). A hypothesis about how early developmental methylmercury exposure disrupts behavior in adulthood. Behavioural Processes, 114, 41-51. [PDF here]

*Hunsberger, H.C., *Rudy, C.C., Batten, S.R., Gerhardt, G.A., & Reed, M.N. (2015). P301L tau expression affects glutamate release and clearance in the hippocampal trisynaptic pathway. Journal of Neurochemistry, 32(2), 169-82.  [PDF here]

Liu, P., Reed, M.N., Kotilinek, L.A., Grant, M., Forster, C.L., Qiang, W., Shapiro, S.L., Reichl, J.H., Chiang, A., Jankowsky, J.L., Wilmot, C.M., Cleary, J.P., Zahs, K.R., & Ashe, K.H. (2015). Quaternary structure defines a large class of amyloid-β oligomers neutralized by sequestration. Cell Reports, 11, 1-12. [PDF here]

*Weitzner, D.S., Engler-Chiurazzi, E.B., Kotilinek, L.A., Ashe, K.H., & Reed, M.N. (2015). Morris water maze test: Optimization for strain and testing environment. The Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). [Click Here]

Papers Accepted/In Press

Pan, J., Sun, J., Ding, L., Ruan, L., Reed, M.N., Yu, X., Klabni, J., Lin, D., Li, J., Chen, L., Zhang, C., Zhang, H., O'Donnell, J.M., & Xu, Y. (2014). Inhibition of phosphodiesterase 2 reverses impaired cognition and neuronal remodeling caused by chronic stress. Neurobiology of Aging, [Epub ahead of print]. [PDF here]

*Rudy, C.C., *Hunsberger, H.C., *Weitzner, D.S., & Reed, M.N. (2014). The role of the tripartite glutamatergic synapse in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. Aging & Disease, [Epub ahead of print]. [Invited Review] [PDF here]


Undergraduate Courses:

Introduction to Psychology, Auburn University

Statistics in Social and Behavioral Science, Auburn University

Drugs & Behavior, Auburn University, Teacher of Record

Biological Foundations in Behavior, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Physiological Psychology, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Graduate Courses:

Behavioral Pharmacology, Auburn University

Experimental Statistics, Auburn University

Nonparametric Statistics, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Survival Analysis Statistics, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Mixed Models Statistics, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Nonparametric vs. Parametric Statistics, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Advanced Statistical Methods, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Neurobiology of Disease, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Behavioral Neuroscience Methods, West Virginia University, Teacher of Record

Committees Chaired

Undergraduate Honor's Thesis:

2013 – 2014     Kirsten Schoonover, West Virginia University

Master's Thesis:

2012 – 2014     Holly Hunsberger, West Virginia University       

2012 – 2014     Carolyn Rudy, West Virginia University               

2013 – 2015     Daniel Weitzner, West Virginia University         

Preliminary Examination:

2014                   Holly Hunsberger, West Virginia University     

2014                   Carolyn Rudy, West Virginia University

2015                   Daniel Weitzner, West Virginia University

Doctoral Dissertation:

2015 -                Holly Hunsberger, West Virginia University

  Department Service

Full Faculty Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2010 - 2015

Behavioral Neuroscience Training Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2010 - 2015

Behavioral Neuroscience Faculty Search Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2010 - 2011

Behavior Analysis Training Committee, Associate Member, West Virginia University, 2010

Behavior Analysis Faculty Search Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2010 - 2011

Faculty Evaluation Committee, Elected Member, West Virginia University, 2011

Behavioral Neuroscience Faculty Search Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2011 - 2012

Lifespan Developmental Training Committee, Associate Member, West Virginia University, 2011 - 2014

Lifespan Developmental Faculty Search Committee, Member, West Virginia University, 2013

Faculty Evaluation Committee, Elected Member, West Virginia University, 2014

Behavior Analysis Training Committee, Associate Member, West Virginia University, 2015

University Service

Center for Neuroscience - Behavioral Neuroscience Meeting Organizer, West Virginia University,  2010 - 2015

Summer Undergraduate Research Internships (SURI) Mentor, West Virginia University, 2011 - 2015

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Mentor, West Virginia University, 2011 - 2015

E.J. Van Liere Memorial Convocation & Heath Science Research Day Poster Judge, West Virginia University, 2013 - 2014

Radiation Safety Committee Member, West Virginia University, West Virginia University, 2014 - 2015

West Virginia UniversityInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Member, West Virginia University, 2014 - 2015

Grant Reviewer, West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI), West Virginia University, 2014 - 2015

T32 Research Training Grant. West Virginia University. Role: Preceptor & BBS Scholarship. Research Training Program in the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences. National Institutes of Health T32GM081741. 2008 - 2013.  Director: Jim O’Donnell, Ph.D., 2010 - 2012                                   

T32 Research Training Grant. West Virginia University. Role: Preceptor, BBS Scholarship & Steering Committee. Research Training Program in the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences. Renewal: National Institutes of Health T32GM081741. 2014-2019. Director: Albert Berrebi, Ph.D., 2014 - 2015   

National & International Service

Grant Reviewer:

NSF – Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) – Neural Systems, Preliminary Proposal Review, March Panel, 2012

NSF – Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) – Neural Systems, Full Proposal Review, October Panel, 2012

Alzheimer’s Association, Ad hoc reviewer, 2012 - 2013

NIH – Cellular and Molecular Neurodegeneration, Early Career Reviewer, October Panel, 2012

NIH – Cellular and Molecular Neurodegeneration, Early Career Reviewer, May Panel, 2013

NSF – Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) – Neural Systems, Preliminary Proposal Review, April Panel, 2014

UK Medical Research Council (MRC), Ad hoc reviewer, 2014

NSF – Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) – Neural Systems, Ad hoc reviewer for CAREER, 2014

Neurological Foundation of New Zealand, Ad hoc reviewer, 2014

William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) Academy of UK, Ad hoc reviewer, 2014

Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program, 2014

Ad Hoc Reviewer:

Journal of Neurochemistry

Learning & Memory

Food and Chemical Toxicology

Toxicology Letters



Behavioural Brain Research


Metabolic Brain Disease

Neurobiology of Aging

Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior

Neural Regeneration Research

Neuroscience Letters

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)

Society Boards & Committees:

Program Chair, Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, 2012 - 2013

Membership Committee, International Society for Aging & Disease, 2013 - present

President Elect, Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, 2014 - 2015